Blacktail hawfinch, finches are unique from China

Lots of species/varieties of finches we know and observe such as walnuts, blackthroat, edel sanger, Mozambique, and so on. To increase knowledge, Jimmyboi2 will display a pretty unique finches from China, namely the blacktail hawfinch (Eophona migratoria). The species is popular in some neighboring countries as pet birds as well as birds can be trained.

Blacktail hawfinch or also called chinese grosbeak/yellow-billed grosbeak is a member of the Fringillidae family and has been passed down through generations becomes pet birds in China. It is adaptable and easily treated, and can be trained to perform a variety of attractions.

As a trained birds, black-tailed hawfinch no is generally kept in the cage daily, but kept on a perch open with a strap that fastened at the breast of the bird. It is called the bird perch open frames.
These birds have the cleverness to do interesting attractions such as guessing lottery, play ball and a variety of other attractions. As popular as pet birds and trained birds, no wonder the blacktail hawfinch into which many were rounded up and sold to be hunted illegally. The Government and the Association of bird enthusiasts in China suggest this bird owners to immediately expand taste scattered through fuck it up.

Blacktail hawfinch species actually found not only in China but also in other countries such as Hong Kong, Japan, North and South Korea, Myanmar, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Blacktail hawfinch has a posture of medium size, with a length of about 19 cm. large and stout Bill. In winter, the color of the beak should be yellow, after entering the spring, on his beak is blackish patches. The sex of the bird can be distinguished by color black on the head. His appearance is very similar to the japanese grosbeak (Eophona personata). The difference lies in the color black in his head that doesn't exceed his ears.

The magnitude of the specificity of these birds being, which he used to break down the grain or beans as the main feed. In addition to grain, hawfinch black tail also like fruits and insects especially during mating season.

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