Blacktail hawfinch, finches are unique from China

Lots of species/varieties of finches we know and observe such as walnuts, blackthroat, edel sanger, Mozambique, and so on. To increase knowledge, Jimmyboi2 will display a pretty unique finches from China, namely the blacktail hawfinch (Eophona migratoria). The species is popular in some neighboring countries as pet birds as well as birds can be trained.

Blacktail hawfinch or also called chinese grosbeak/yellow-billed grosbeak is a member of the Fringillidae family and has been passed down through generations becomes pet birds in China. It is adaptable and easily treated, and can be trained to perform a variety of attractions.

As a trained birds, black-tailed hawfinch no is generally kept in the cage daily, but kept on a perch open with a strap that fastened at the breast of the bird. It is called the bird perch open frames.
These birds have the cleverness to do interesting attractions such as guessing lottery, play ball and a variety of other attractions. As popular as pet birds and trained birds, no wonder the blacktail hawfinch into which many were rounded up and sold to be hunted illegally. The Government and the Association of bird enthusiasts in China suggest this bird owners to immediately expand taste scattered through fuck it up.

Blacktail hawfinch species actually found not only in China but also in other countries such as Hong Kong, Japan, North and South Korea, Myanmar, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Blacktail hawfinch has a posture of medium size, with a length of about 19 cm. large and stout Bill. In winter, the color of the beak should be yellow, after entering the spring, on his beak is blackish patches. The sex of the bird can be distinguished by color black on the head. His appearance is very similar to the japanese grosbeak (Eophona personata). The difference lies in the color black in his head that doesn't exceed his ears.

The magnitude of the specificity of these birds being, which he used to break down the grain or beans as the main feed. In addition to grain, hawfinch black tail also like fruits and insects especially during mating season.

Timor sparrow

The Timor sparrow, (Lonchura fuscata) also known as Timor dusky sparrow is a small, approximately 14 cm long, plump dark brown songbird with a large silvery-blue bill, white cheek, pink feet and creamy-white belly. Both sexes are similar.
credit image by flikr

Its appearance resembles the closely related Java sparrow, but is smaller than the latter and has different coloured plumage. The Timor sparrow inhabits the grasslands and lowlands of West Timor, Semau and Rote Island of Indonesia, and East Timor. Its diet consists mainly of rice and seeds.

Due to ongoing habitat loss, limited range and illegal trapping for cage-bird trade, the Timor sparrow is evaluated as near threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Some taxonomists place this species and the Java sparrow in their own genus, Padda.

source wikipedia

Java sparrow finch

The Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora), also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, is a small passerine bird.This estrildid finch is a resident breeding bird in Java, Bali and Bawean in Indonesia. It is a popular cage bird, and has been introduced in a large number of other countries. Some taxonomists place this and the Timor sparrow in their own genus Padda.

 Description The Java sparrow is about 15–17 cm in length from the beak to its tip of tail feathers. The adult is unmistakable, with its grey upperparts and breast, pink belly, white-cheeked black head, red eye-ring, pink feet and thick red bill. Both sexes are similar. Immature birds have brown upperparts and pale brown underparts, and a plain head. Very young birds have a black beak with a pink base. 

The call is a chip, and the song is a rapid series of call notes chipchipchipchipchipchip. The Java sparrow (Padda oryzivora/Lonchura oryzivora) might be considered a Lonchura species according to both the BI and ML trees[clarification needed]. This is an Estrildinae bird which may have originated in India and dispersed thereafter (towards Africa and Pacific Ocean habitats).

The Java sparrow is a very gregarious bird which feeds mainly on grain and other seeds. It frequents open grassland and cultivation, and was formerly a pest in rice fields, hence its scientific name. The nest is constructed in a tree or building, and up to eight eggs are laid.

The Java sparrow has been a popular cage bird in Asia for centuries, first in Ming Dynasty China and then in Japan from the 17th century, frequently appearing in Japanese paintings and prints. Meiji-era writer Natsume Soseki wrote an essay about his pet Java sparrow. In the late 1960s and early 1970s the Java sparrow was one of the most popular cage birds in the United States until its import was banned. Today it remains illegal to possess in California because of a perceived threat to agriculture, although rice-dependent Asian countries like China, Taiwan and Japan have not regulated the bird.

In Asia the Java sparrow is most often raised almost from birth by human breeders and owners, and they become very tame and attached to humans. As such, they can be normally kept in relatively small cages, but let out for indoor exercise without their attempting to escape. In captivity, a variety of colourations have been bred, including white, silver/opal, fawn/isabel, pastel, cream and agate (which currently is rare within Europe captive specimens) along with the pied Java sparrow (called the sakura buncho in Japan).

Chestnut munia finch

The chestnut munia, (Lonchura atricapilla) (formerly considered as a subspecies of the tricoloured munia Lonchura malacca atricapilla) also known as black-headed munia, is a small passerine bird. This estrildid finch is a resident breeding bird in Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Hawaii.

 Before 1995, it was the national bird of the Philippines,[2] where it is known as mayang pula ("red maya") because of its brick red patch on the lower back which is visible only when it flies. (This distinguishes it from other birds locally called maya, notably the predominantly brownish "mayang simbahan" (tree sparrow)[3] which is more common in urban areas.)

The chestnut munia has several subspecies that are recognized as followed:

  • Lonchura atricapilla atricapilla 
  • Lonchura atricapilla rubroniger 
  • Lonchura atricapilla sinensis 
  • Lonchura atricapilla formosana 
  • Lonchura atricapilla deignani 
  • Lonchura atricapilla brunneiceps 
  • Lonchura atricapilla jagori 
  • Lonchura atricapilla selimbauensis 
  • Lonchura atricapilla obscura 
  • Lonchura atricapilla batakana
The chestnut munia is a small gregarious bird which feeds mainly on grain and other seeds. It frequents open grassland and cultivation. The nest is a large domed grass structure in a bush or tall grass into which 4-7 white eggs are laid.The chestnut munia is 11–12 cm in length. The adult has a stubby pale grey-blue bill, black head, and brown body, with a brick red patch on the lower back, visible only when it flies. Some races also have a black belly. The sexes are similar, but immature birds have uniform pale brown upperparts, lack the dark head and have white to pale buff underparts.

source as wikipedia

Scaly-breasted munia

Scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata) is a species of small bird-eaters of rice and grains. The name means punctulata speckled, refers to thecolor of the feathers on his chest.
Scaly-breasted munia

 Javanese people call it emprit peking, prit peking; Sundanese people call itpeking piit or villages, mimicking the sound of his voice of peking. In Malaysia it is called pipit pinang, and in the United Kingdom known as the Scaly-breasted Munia-again linked with spots on his chest that looks like a picture of the scales.

 Small-sized bird, beak to the tip of the tail is about 11 cm. adult Bird is color red-brown on the neck and sides of the upper body, with strokes color somewhat cryptic young. The underside is white, with a similar painting Brown scales on the breast and sides of the body. Lower abdomen until the white ass. Young birds with chest and abdomen dark yellow to Brown a bit dirty. Males do not differ from females in such sightings.

 The IRIS is dark brown eyes; the distinctive pipit bluish grey; legs greyish black. Peking Munia are often found in rural and urban environments, especially near the rice fields or Moor. The main food of the birds is a variety of herbaceousseeds including rice. Therefore often visited peking Munia fields, meadows, openfields and gardens bervegetasi. Live in pairs or in small groups, often observed peking Munia huddle ate grainseeds in grasses or shrubs even down to the ground.

These groups are generallyagile and move together, while continuing to call each other song.The sound of two tribes, the ki-ki-dii, dii..; ki-call ii.. or ckii, ckii..; and voicealerting tret.. tret.. . This bird is not disinclined to mix with others, such as the Munia species withJavanese Munia (b. leucogastroides) or another. It was originally Munia groupmight consist of only a few tail, but the rice harvest season can be enlarged up to hundreds of tails.

Look snazzy in the afternoon while flying and stoodtogether on the trees his bed. A large group of this kind may cause heavy lossesto farmers. Peking Munia. Darmaga, Bogor. Munia peking often inhabit gardens, lawns androadsides. As reflected from his name in Malaysia, Munia are often choose theareca nut palm or other trees or shrubs high, to place a nest. Spherical or bottle's nest is built from the grass, put hidden among the leaves and twigs. The eggs are white, 4-6 (-10) grain, each measuring approximately 15 x 11 mm.Multiplying in all year round.

javan munia

Java Munia is a small bird eaters of rice and grains. The bird is also known by other names such as pipit Munia, piit Munia, emprit Munia and others, following the sound it produces. Lonchura leucogastroides is a scientific name. In the United Kingdom it is referred to as the Javan Munia.
javan munia

Small birds, beak to the tip of the tail is about 11 cm. adult dominant Birds dark brown on the back, wings and sides of her body, with no strokes-strokes. Face, neck and upper breast black; lower chest, belly and clean white body sides,appeared to contrast with the upper part. The underside brownish tail. Youngbirds with chest and abdomen yellowish brown dirty. Males do not differ from females in such sightings.IRIS Brown eyes; the upper half of the beak is blackish, the bluish-grey; greyish legs. 

Birds that are commonly found in rural and urban environments, especially nearrice fields. Eat rice and a variety of grains, rice visited often Java Munia, meadows, open fields and gardens bervegetasi. This bird is often down to the ground or swinging on a stalk of flowers grass ate the ears of grain. 

Generally live Java Munia pairs or in small groups, including mixed with othertypes of Munia with peking Munia (l. punctulata). The Group was originally composed of several tails, but the rice harvest in this group can achieve hundreds of enlarged tail. It appears strikingly in the afternoon at the time flyingand stood together on her bed. A large group like this can be a very harmfulpests of rice farmers.

 Javan Munia. Darmaga, Bogor. These birds often nest in my yard and home page, on the trees, titled green, at an altitude of 2 – 10 m above the ground. The nest is a ball that is built from the leaves and flowers of grass in layers, put hidden among the leaves and twigs, leaf stalks in the gap or palma. Multiplyingthe recorded throughout the year, each time putting Java Munia laying 4-5 eggs, which are white. Size approx. 14 x 10 mm.

 Munia nest, Java's semarang guava Reads smoother, cri-cri, ii-i. .. or ci-ii..; andpit. .. pit. .. . But in a group, especially when perched together, this sounds sopretty membisingkan. Similarly the sound his hatchlings. Munia is distributed mainly in Java and Bali, Java to a height of 1,500 m above sea level. Also found in the southern part of Sumatra, Lombok, and are introduced to Singapore.